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New Age Deception


Updated: Jul 26, 2022

When I got into the new age community, I found Bashar and Dr Greer, who were parroting that all aliens are these wonderful benevolent beings, who only want to help humanity.

I like so many others fell for it and did the practice of summoning these entities, it worked. The first encounter was with a grey alien, I only saw it's hand at first, as I had asked it to do so, as not to frighten me. However, it had this luminious green glow coming from it's fingertips, just like how the jinn/demons are said to be form luminous fire.

I later realised after my second encounter wit the grey, that they are in fact demons, disguising themselves as aliens, after I had asked it/commanded it, to show it's true energy. When I looked up and saw it staring down at me, I had never felt such terror, and proceeded to have a seizure and blacked out. Their the complete opposite of benevolent.

These beings were the same I had experienced as a child, as well as my father, right down to that luminous green glow. Which is shown in many films and tv shows, with the actual greys having it come off of them. They have to show us as, it's the karmic law. If we watch these shows and don't put two and two together, then it's on us. They've shown plenty of times where the grey's/aliens are the bad guys, telling us what they truly are, yet people keep saying otherwise.

These beings aren't truly aliens from another planet of star system. They are interdimensional, jinn/demons that are talked about in all cultures, trying to trick the masses into inviting them into our realm again! To cause as much carnage and chaos as they can. How many more times are we going to fall for it? Last time they pretended to be the God's, tricking people into sacrificing millions of humans to fulfil their bloodlust. The Aztecs even had games where they would try and win, the winning prize you might wonder, to be sacrifice to the God's so that they become one with them. This is how twisted humans can become if this keeps being allowed. Everything happening around us is a stepping stone towards a draconian world, ruled by these monsters, there's a reason the true creator separated us from them, let's not open that gateway again!

1 Comment

Will H
Will H
Jul 26, 2023

I've never been a fan of Greer myself. He has been in the UFO community for a long time, and as you've ,mentioned he is big on the idea that all these beings have to be benevolent. I've always wondered, if as the "Old System" collapses, Governments will try and introduce us to a group of these beings to try and pull us back into a sleepy unawareness.

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