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Don't Go Into The light

Updated: Jul 26, 2022

This Earth is a soul trap planet, when you die you are thrusted into a glowing white light, like a moth to the flame you go in willingly, now see here is your first mistake with your willingness to go forth into your own entrapment, by universal laws you have given up your freedom, gone willingly into the depths of the magnetizing white light, that only procures reincarnation. The lower beings on this Earth realm, are what you would call demons, jinn's, or even now as they are deceiving us once again, aliens. They mesmerize you into the white light, like sirens, calling the seamen to their ultimate demise, tricking you into believing that they are your dead relatives, ancestors, spirit guides, Jesus or even God himself, they beckon you in and once they have you in their grasp, their deceit begins.

They will show you a life review of all that you have done in this latest incarnation, interestingly always showing you your faults, showing you the bad things you have done in this lifetime, making you feel guilty, making you weak, lowering your frequency, giving them the upper hand, asking if you understand them or rather “stand under them.” They are always lying so you can never trust a single thing they say, this is why God constantly warns you of interacting with them as they are sneaky and not to be trusted. God also talks about how these entities pretend to be lost relatives, ancestors even God himself, claiming to be angels of light to draw you in, when they are the furthest thing from the light.

This after death experience, is where they lure you back into their game, back into the matrix, ever wonder why it’s called solar system, “soul lure system.” The truth is always hiding in plain sight, you’re probably wondering why they tell us even if it’s hidden from sleeping souls, well they have to in order to get around the law of karma, the Universe has laws, and they are final.

However there are ways around it, for example freewill, if the truth is shown to you even though you may not consciously see it, your subconscious does and that gives them the right to do whatever you let them, even though it may seem like their breaking the universal law, you are willingly playing their game, ignoring the truth, staying in ignorance, which is why in the bible God repeatedly say’s how much he hates ignorance, as that is the fault of man, this is the cause of so much suffering in the world, if the masses just looked up at the sky they would realise, he is real, and that they were created, not born out of the fake evolution theory that perpetuate how humans have no purpose and that your existence is only a mere accident, he doesn't want you to be afraid of learning who you truly are and all the secrets of the Universe, but to know that you are powerful, which is why you're told repeatedly that you’re not, from the day you’re born to the day you die, as a powerful soul is a dangerous one.

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1 Kommentar

Will H
Will H
26. Juli 2023

Very interesting article. It made me think of the layered realities of the Astral, where people pass though, and sometimes get convinced it's the absolute. You should definitely write more Alannah.

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